Thursday, April 22, 2010

She was the Beanstalk

Two days ago, we had a Performance/Workshop combo. After two performances of Jack and the Beanstalk for the students at a primary school (K-3), we led workshops for five 1st grade classes. It was a blast--the teachers were enthusiastic, the kids were enthusiastic and we had fun taking the little guys through 25 minutes of theater activities. In each class, the kids wanted to point out their friends who had played different parts in the shows: "She was the Beanstalk," "I was the Magic Harp," "He was the Baker." Such little things mean a lot!

On a side note: Do you realize what time many schools start? This school started at 8 IN THE MORNING! Our first show was at 8:30 A.M. The drive was 42 minutes (every minute counts when you want sleep). We needed to arrive by 8 to set up. Do the Math--we had to leave our house by 7 something (I can't do the math). Gadzooks! What an hour to be up, dressed, breakfasted and functional.

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